Meet Our Attorneys

Injury & Accident Attorneys Serving Oklahoma City, Edmond, Norman & All Of Oklahoma


Phone: 405-232-6490

As soon as he felt the snap, Joseph C. Biscone knew something was wrong. His years as a professional bull rider finely tuned his senses, and he quickly recognized the shooting pain in his shoulder as torn ligaments and tendons. Injuries are part of the game in rodeo, and Biscone has had more than his share.

Biscone needed months to recover and rehabilitate. The process reinforced his belief in the importance of good health care and confirmed he had chosen the right field of legal practice – workers’ compensation and personal injury law.

At the Oklahoma City University of School of Law, Biscone became…
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Phone: 405-232-6490

Bryce B. Johnson, founder of Bryce Johnson & Associates, has represented clients in personal injury and medical malpractice cases for over 30 years.

Many of his cases have gained recognition locally and nationally.

In 2019, Bryce Johnson and associate attorney Sherman Reed settled a case for $5.7 million for a child and mother who were injured in a collision caused by a truck driver. Johnson and Reed were able to prove the at-fault driver had a history of drug use and his company was liable for negligent entrustment. In another win, Johnson helped an injured man when an out-of-control…
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Phone: 405-232-6490

Practicing law came naturally to Emily Biscone. From an early age, she was around lawyers and law books. Her parents instilled in her a strong work ethic and respect for others. Her father and law partner, Joseph C. Biscone II, says Emily has a strong moral compass, and anyone who has seen her in the courtroom knows the passion she brings to her work. She has developed a strong reputation as a litigator and advocate for injured workers, never backing away from fighting for what is right.

Born in Oklahoma City, Emily attended Bishop McGuiness High School and received her undergraduate degree in political…
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Phone: 405-232-6490

James J. Biscone joined Johnson & Biscone, P.A. following graduation from the Oklahoma City University School of Law. Biscone is licensed to practice in all Oklahoma state courts, the Oklahoma Supreme Court, each federal district court in Oklahoma, and the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals. His practice focuses on personal injury, workers’ compensation, and Social Security Disability.

At a young age, James was fascinated with the church, people, and school. He loved to learn and to spend time outside, frequently team roping at various rodeos and roping events with his father, Joe. But even then, he knew what he…
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