Today is World Day for Safety and Health at Work. The International Labour Organization has established this day to raise awareness for the importance of maintaining safe working environments. With the current COVID-19 crisis, a safe, healthy working environment is more important than ever before.
While many businesses have temporarily shut their doors in an effort to curb the spread of COVID-19, there are still many businesses that remain open to provide essential services. It is absolutely critical that these businesses take extra precautions to maintain healthy, sanitary environments for employees and customers alike.
Keep the following tips in mind to help limit the exposure and spread of COVID-19 at your work environment. If your business is currently closed, consider implementing these practices once you reopen.
Practice Good Hygiene
Make sure all employees and customers adhere to the following hygiene practices:
- Do not shake hands
- Provide hand sanitizer at the door for people to use when they enter
- Send out regular email reminders to make sure employees are consistently washing their hands
- Create visible reminders to help ensure people cover all coughs and sneezes
- Disinfect doorknobs, desks, tables, handrails and other surfaces several times a day
- Open windows or adjust air conditioning to improve ventilation
Be Careful with Meetings and Travel
It’s important to adjust your meeting and travel practices during the COVID-19 crisis:
- Use videoconferencing for meetings whenever possible
- If in-person meetings are necessary, hold them in open, well-ventilated spaces
- Consider postponing large meetings or gatherings if possible
- Eliminate all non-essential business travel
Handle Food Carefully
If food is served and/or consumed at your place of business:
- Limit food sharing
- Strengthen health screening for cafeteria staff
- Require strict hygiene practices for all cafeteria staff
Empower Employees to Stay Home
Offer employees the option to work remotely if that is possible. For those that must come to work every day, encourage them to stay home if:
- They feel sick
- They have a sick family member at home
Johnson & Biscone Can Help after a Workplace Injury
If you’ve suffered a workplace injury, you may be entitled to file for workers’ compensation benefits. The filing process is very complicated, and it’s common for claims to be unfairly denied. The attorneys at Johsnon & Biscone can guide you through this process to ensure you receive the benefits to which you’re entitled.
Please contact Johnson & Biscone using the form on this page or call 405-232-6490 today to schedule a complimentary consultation. We serve clients in Oklahoma City, Edmond and the surrounding areas of Oklahoma.