As new workers’ compensation reform rolls into Oklahoma, several concerns pop up with the new bill signed by Gov. Mary Fallen. With a switch from a court-based system to an administrative structure, businesses are more in charge of the compensation they provide.
So, why is this concerning for employees?
- More pressure on workers by employers may cause a drop in reported cases because businesses are looking to save more since reforms will allow it.
- A drop in reported cases will result in greater expenses for workers as they deal with medical expenses on their own and may not have sufficient funds to cover bills.
- With reported cases and added influence by employers, workers may be pressured to visit particular doctors or medical professionals. Workers are encouraged to visit their primary care doctor and medical professionals that they trust instead of what insurance companies or employers recommend. These reforms may add more pressure on employees by employers regarding where they go for medical treatment, so be aware of this.
- Learn about your business and the workers’ compensation reform they are making. Understand the coverage that is offered to you if you are injured. Pay very close attention to all of the details as businesses change what they offer.
While the reform is considered more efficient and beneficial for businesses, it may end up hurting employees that do get injured and need substantial compensation. The most important thing to remember is that you don’t need to be pressured to do anything. You have a choice.
If you feel that your choices have been revoked, then you can take legal action to receive the help you need. Lawyers here at Johnson & Biscone are well prepared to help you with your workers’ compensation case as laws continue to change. Don’t let this new legislation take advantage of you. Call for a free, no hassle consultation if you need help getting the compensation you need – 405-232-6490.