Some of the common negative side effects of Zoloft include the following:
- Feeling sleepy throughout the day
- Feeling nervous throughout the day
- Insomnia
- Dizziness
- Nausea
- Stomach issues such as upset stomach, stomach pain, change in appetite
- Low sex drive, abnormal ejaculation, and hard to have an orgasm
- Dry mouth
- Weight loss
The Most Common Reported Drug Side Effect:
The negative side effect that is most commonly reported by users of Zoloft is nausea. Severity of this negative effect was directly correlated with the dosage prescribed.
Withdrawal Side Effects:
Numerous people who stopped their use of Zoloft reported withdrawal side effects. Some of these include:
- Stomach pain
- Diarrhea
- Dry mouth
- Headaches
- Hot flashes
- Trouble sleeping
- Shakiness
Psychiatric Effects of Zoloft:
Zoloft and other antidepressants may potentially play a roll in worsening a user’s depression or bringing out suicidal emotions that have not been seen before. Adults between ages 18 and 24 with Major Depressive Disorder have an increased risk of experiencing suicidal thoughts during the first couple months of using antidepressants.
Pregnancy and Zoloft:
If you are currently pregnant or planning to be pregnant, and also currently taking Zoloft, you should consult your doctor immediately before proceeding. The Federal Drug Administration labels drugs with different pregnancy categories to allow users to pinpoint the safety of using certain drugs during their pregnancy. As of right now, Zoloft is listed as a category C drug.
Studies have been done on animals that showed problems with the fetus. As of right now there aren’t an adequate amount of studies on humans and the effect on the fetus.
Studies and research have concluded that when a mother has a baby while she was taking Zoloft after the 20th week of pregnancy, there is an increased risk of persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn. In 10% of cases this is fatal.
Another separate study showed that women who take sertraline double the risk of their child having a heart defect.
In addition to these findings, there is a fatal birth defect known as anencephaly that directly affects the growth and development of the brain and skull. In some cases it completely stops these from developing. Your child may also be born with a cleft lip, cleft palate, or other facial malformations.
Zoloft Lawsuits:
Lawsuits have been popping up in recent years with Zoloft as the culprit. Parents have filed because of birth defects in their newborn babies. Most lawsuits are claiming that Zoloft has not properly informed its users of the potential negative side effects.
Need a Pharmaceutical Lawyer in Oklahoma City?
Have you been seriously injured or experienced extreme negative side effects because of using Zoloft? Seek legal assistance immediately and get the help you need.