Birth injuries are not as uncommon as you might think – about seven out of every 1,000 babies born in the United States suffer from it every year. While some injuries such as swelling, bruising and even some bone fractures are simply normal consequences in childbirth, other more severe injuries may be the result of improper care.
Some of the most common causes of birth injuries are due to pregnancy complications, medication errors, labor and delivery errors and genetic disorders. These causes can be divided into two groups: Inherent factors and External factors.
Inherent or physical factors such as oxygen deprivation or abnormal fetal size are part of normal pregnancy complications or genetic disorders. However, external or human failure factors such as medication or delivery errors are signs of negligence on the part of medical personnel attending to the pregnant mother.
The birth of a child is supposed to be the most joyful event in a parent’s life, and when injuries occur because of the hospital or doctor’s negligence, you have the right to seek compensation for you and your baby’s injuries. If you have had the misfortune of experiencing birth injuries, birth defect or trauma, contact the Oklahoma City law office of Johnson & Biscone at 405-232-6490 for a free evaluation of your case.